Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Will the Success of 'Olympus Has Fallen' Hurt or Help 'White House Down'?

"This weekend demonstrates the audience appetite for this kind of material," says a spokesman for Sony, which is releasing "White House Down" in June.

Ask most Hollywood studio executives, and they'll shudder at the idea of being runner-up. What if moviegoers feel like they've seen the same movie already?
Yet Sony appears anything but concerned that the successful opening of FilmDistrict's action pic Olympus Has Fallen will dampen enthusiasm for the studio's similarly themed White House Down, which opens in theaters June 28. Both films follow roughly the same storyline -- terrorists overtaking America's most famous residence.

"This weekend demonstrates the audience appetite for this kind of material," Sony spokesman Steve Elzer says. "We are happy there is room in the marketplace for both films to be a success, and we couldn't be more excited about the prospects for White House Down."