Tuesday, March 26, 2013

‘Vehicle 19′ Trailer: Paul Walker Is a Man with Nothing to Lose

In its set-up, new indie action-thriller Vehicle 19 sounds undeniably intriguing. It tells the story of a man who is given the wrong car as the result of a mix-up with the rental agency and, after deciding that he doesn’t mind the change in model, discovers a gun, a cell phone, and a tied-up prisoner in the trunk.

You might not have picked up on this from watching the first two international trailers, but the experiment taking place in the film is that the camera never leaves the car (even though the protagonist might). Presumably, this is intended to communicate some kind of message about the protagonist being irrevocably tied to his unwelcome fate, but it’s a challenging choice that may succeed or fail depending on how well the director – and cinematographer – are able to pull it off.