Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Is Lex Luthor In Man Of Steel After All?

Lex Luthor has been an integral part of Superman’s on-screen legacy, played by the brilliant Gene Hackman in Richard Donner’s two films, then re-imagined by Kevin Spacey in Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns. And yet, fans wanting the Man of Steel to go in a different direction probably were happy to learn that Lex wouldn’t be part of Zack Snyder’s planned Man of Steel, meaning another villain would get the chance to shine.

But who ever said Lex Luthor wasn’t going to be part of Man of Steel?

Screenwriter David Goyer, who conceived his Man of Steel story with Christopher Nolan, sat down for an interview with I Am Rogue and was asked about the decision to leave Lex out of this incarnation of Superman’s story. But instead of explaining why, Goyer threw the journalist – and the Internet – a curveball.