Sunday, March 24, 2013

J.J. Abrams Talks STAR WARS: EPISODE VII and Approaching the Film as a Massive Fan of the Franchise

With the release of Star Trek Into Darkness only a couple of months away, director J.J. Abrams is about to be hounded by countless questions about Star Wars: Episode VII as he starts to make the Trek press rounds.  The filmmaker has thus far been fairly quiet with regards to him taking the helm of the first pic in a new trilogy of Star Wars movies, but he recently opened up to Empire during what appears to be a wide-ranging interview.

Just yesterday we shared his comments with the magazine about his scrapped Superman script Flyby and how it relates to this summer’s Man of Steel, and now the outlet has unveiled what Abrams had to say about approaching the new Star Wars film as a massive fan and the similarities with his take on Star Trek.  Hit the jump to read on.