Monday, March 25, 2013

Coogan Talks Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa

In the latest issue of Empire - out this Thursday, March 28 - you can read all about Alan Partridge's long awaiting big-screen adventure, Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa, a Die Hard-a-like hostage thriller that sees North Norfolk Digital's finest facing off against a fellow DJ gone postal.

“We’re putting him into a situation,” says Steve Coogan. “We had to make it filmic without throwing away the DNA that makes him Alan-like. So we kicked around a lot of ideas and ended up with something that’s a bit Dog Day Afternoon and a bit Network. There is a threat level.”

Now you're imagining Steve Coogan as Howard Beale screaming "SMELL MY CHEESE!" at the camera with a rifle in his hand. Possibly, anyway. If so, dismiss that notion, because Alpha Papa is far more down to earth.