Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Box Office: Olympus Falls To The Croods As Admission Faces Rejection

Perhaps looking to follow up on their success with the Ice Age series of movies, Fox released the highly mediocre but also highly franchisable The Croods this weekend. The reception in theaters wasn't record breaking, but it was enough to give the movie a solid Spring Break number one debut, leaving star studded Olympus Has Fallen in the dust.

Call it crappy timing, but with the increasing amount of war threats from North Korea and decreasing satisfaction with its government, American audiences seemed to have only a moderate interest in watching a movie about a terrorist attack on Washington DC. Perhaps it would have done better if Morgan Freeman had been cast as the President (haven't we all wished he could get a real chance at the role after the lameness of Deep Impact?), but whatever the reasons, Olympus took in $30 million for a soft second place behind The Croods and their $44 million bow in.