Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tim Burton to Next Direct Biopic BIG EYES; Christoph Waltz and Amy Adams Will Star

Director Tim Burton’s long-developing biopic Big Eyes is finally moving forward.  The filmmaker first became attached to the pic back in 2010, when he sparked to a script by Ed Wood scribes Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski that he intended to produce.  The film’s story focuses on the artistic coupling of Margaret and Walter Keane.  Walter became famous in the 1950s and 60s for paintings featuring saucer-eyed kids, though it was the shy Margaret who really did the work.  Margaret eventually tired of the misplaced credit, which led to a divorce and a heated court battle to prove authorship of the paintings.

Ryan Reynolds and Reese Witherspoon became attached to play the couple early last year, but now a different promising duo of actors will be bringing The Keanes to life on the big screen with Burton in the director’s chair, as Christoph Waltz and Amy Adams have signed on to topline the pic.  Hit the jump for more.