Friday, April 5, 2013

Fast & Furious 6 Poster Puts The Characters Ahead Of The Cars

The latest poster for the next installment to the Fast & Furious sequel reminds us that the movie arrives in theaters in a little over two months, right around the time when the Summer 2013 movie season will be roaring its engine, and hopefully already delivering on all of the potential and hype teased in the months leading up. In the case of Fast & Furious 6, all roads apparently lead to this.

Aside from the excellent tough-guy(/girl) poses, what I like about the latest poster, which was shared by Coming Soon, is that it literally puts the characters first, ahead of the cars and what appears to be a London backdrop. Sure, the Fast & Furious films offer some of the more exciting car chases and racing scenes we might see on the big screen that year, but there's also a character story involved, and a little investment in the likes of Dom, Brian, Mia and the rest of the crew goes a long way. Six movies - with a seventh possibly starting production this summer - is a long way for a franchise that hasn't required a reboot yet. Though, one could argue that Fast Five refilled the tank and pumped a bit of air into the franchise's tires.