Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Rob Zombie Updates on Broad Street Bullies

Last summer, it was revealed that musician-turned-filmmaker Rob Zombie was interested in tackling his first non-horror project with Broad Street Bullies, based on the true story of the 1970's Philadelphia Flyers.

"That [script] is finished," Zombie tells ComingsSoon.net. "I just finished it. That was an epic battle because that was the first time I had to really research something. There's no fiction in it, it's all true. It was a year of research, my God, I read every f--king book and, obviously, the game ends with game 6 against the Bruins when they win the cup. I must have watched game 6 a thousand f--king times until I had it memorized. It's a pretty epic script. I was just in Philadelphia a couple of weeks ago and all of those guys still go to every game. I was sitting in the box with Joe Watson and Bernie Parent. The Broadstreet Bullies still reign there. I got to get that movie right or they'll take me out and hang me."