Friday, April 5, 2013

Got $35,000? You Can Watch 'Jurassic Park 3D' at Home This Weekend

Prima Cinema and investors including Universal are offering pricey digital equipment that enables home viewing of new releases (for $500 a pop)

Care to watch the 3D re-release of Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park this weekend without going to the theater?
For decades, an elite group of Hollywood insiders making up what's known as the Bel Air Circuit have been provided new movies as a courtesy to watch in the privacy of their lavish home theaters.

Now a new outfit called Prima Cinema is offering the unprecedented chance for anyone with enough money — and a home theater, of course — the same sort of access. The price tag: $35,000 for a special digital box that allows films to be delivered safely over the Internet, then $500 for each title (a movie can only be viewed once over the course of a 24-hour period).