Thursday, April 4, 2013

‘Cinderella’ Actress Shortlist Revealed; ‘Game of Thrones’ Actor Eyed for Prince Role

Disney is taking the success of director Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland ($1 billion worldwide gross in theaters) and Sam Raimi’s Oz the Great and Powerful ($415 million in less than a month) to heart, which accounts for the Mouse House pushing ahead with more contemporary live-action retellings of beloved fairy tales – beginning with Cinderella, as directed by Kenneth Branagh (Thor) and featuring Oscar-winner Cate Blanchett (The Hobbit) in the iconic evil stepmother role.

Amanda Seyfried (Les Misérables) was rumored to play the famous diamond-in-the-rough princess a few years ago, while Emma Watson (a.k.a. Hermoine in Harry Potter) passed on the opportunity just last month. Hence, Branagh and Disney are testing three other actresses for the role this week, in addition to assembling a list of prime candidates for the male lead (ie. the handsome prince).