Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Disney’s ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’ Confirmed For Australia Shoot

The Australian government provided $20 million as a one-off incentive to secure the production.

The Australian government will give The Walt Disney Co. AUS$21.6 million ($20.7 million) as a one off incentive to shoot the David Fincher- developed remake of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, with Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Arts Minister Tony Burke confirming Tuesday they’d secured the Disney tentpole film for production down under.
The structure of the Locations incentive – normally set as a tax offset of 16.5 percent of a qualifying foreign film’s spend - is similar to the one-off incentive paid to Twentieth Century Fox for making The Wolverine in Sydney last year.  That film, according to the politicians, created over 1750 jobs, used more than 1,000 Australian companies and generated $80 million of investment across the country.