Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rob Thomas Offers Extensive Veronica Mars Movie Details

Following last week's launch of what immediately proved to be one of the most successful Kickstarters to date, it became official: a Veronica Mars movie is on the way! Today, TVLine spoke with creator Rob Thomas about where the film picks up the story and exactly what Ms. Mars has been up to for the past few years.

Please be aware, the following does contain what could be considered spoilers.
As it turns out, the film actually jumps ahead of real time, setting the action around Mars' 10th high school reunion in Neptune. Since the series saw her graduating high school in 2006, the film should, theoretically, take place in 2016. That's likely because Thomas has a bright future for the character planned beyond this film and hints that, after this big screening outing, many more could follow (or that "Mars" could even return in series form).