Monday, March 18, 2013

James Cameron Gives Avatar Sequels Update

It's crazy to think that Avatar opened in theaters more than three years ago, on December 18, 2009, but here we are. While it's been a while since we heard from James Cameron on Avatar 2 and Avatar 3, Play Goes Strong (via Bleeding Cool) caught up with the filmmaker not long ago and asked him for a status update.

"I'm working on 'Avatar 2' and 'Avatar 3.' I was talking the other day with Peter Jackson and said, 'You had it easy dude. You had the books when you did the second and third 'Lord of the Rings.' I have to create my own books in my head and extract a script from it. I'm deep into it and I'm living in Pandora right now. There is that start up torque where you feel it's coming to you. Then you build up momentum. That's when it gets fun. The characters talk and it's writing itself. I'm almost there right now. It's building fast," said Cameron.
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