Saturday, March 9, 2013

Should Lex Luthor Get a Mention in ‘Man of Steel’?

Buzz for Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel film is at an all-time-high – following favorable test screening reports that soothed anxiety in worried Superman die-hards. The full length Man of Steel trailer teased epic action set pieces and subtle moments of emotional drama but great marketing doesn’t necessarily mean a great movie. As a result, fans were eagerly awaiting word on the quality of the actual film – from someone who didn’t work on Man of Steel or belong to the Warner Bros. PR department.

However, trusting unconfirmed word-of-mouth from untested sources creates a very slippery slope – a lesson that should be familiar to anyone following the back and forth reports about Christian Bale in the Justice League film. For that reason, take the following rumor with a massive grain of salt: Lex Luthor could be referenced, but not appear, in Man of Steel.