Thursday, March 7, 2013

Marvel’s Infinite Comics Bring GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY to the Masses with Free Digital Comics

Pretty much everyone seems to be on board with Marvel’s major superheroes getting their own stand-alone films and then reuniting for The Avengers films.  The real question as to audiences’ acceptance for comicbook fare will be tested when the space-based Guardians of the Galaxy opens in theaters on August 1st of 2014.  It may be easy to warm up to Star-Lord, aka Peter Quill, since he’s a human hybrid played by the charming Chris Pratt.  The test comes with characters such as Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Groot (a giant tree) and Rocket Raccoon (an anthropomorphic raccoon).  Marvel knows that, which is why they’re releasing four free digital comic issues that each center on one of the lesser-known characters.  Familiarize yourself with the heroes in question using our handy-dandy character guide and then hit the jump to find out more about Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite comics.