Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rumor Patrol: Another ‘Saw’ Movie in Development at Lionsgate

When Saw 3D was released on home media with the name Saw: The Final Chapter, it was about as convincing as when the fourth Final Destination movie was called “The“ Final Destination i.e. not at all. Sure enough, Final Destination 5 came out just a couple of years later and brought back the tried and tested formula of a group of people escaping a terrible accident only to be picked in Rube Goldberg-esque ways because Death was having a sulk over being cheated.

The Saw franchise is undoubtedly the most successful within the niche horror subset of torture porn, evolving from the simple but effective short film made by director James Wan and writer Leigh Whannell (Insidious) back in 2003 to become an annual showcase of elaborate murder devices and then… well, the series never really evolved much beyond that.