Saturday, November 16, 2013

Forget The Heat 2 - A Spinoff Is In The Works

While Sandra Bullock has turned a cold shoulder towards the idea of a sequel to the comedy hit The Heat , director Paul Feig and the folks over at Fox aren't ready to give up on the crazy characters therein. Deadline reports Fox and Feig are at work on a spin-off of The Heat, which would focus on Beth and Gina, the scene-stealing girlfriends of Melissa McCarthy's character's brothers.

Comediennes Jamie Denbo and Jessica Chaffin play loudmouths Beth and Gina respectively, and brought a world of wild improvisation to the set that really made an impression on Feig, who'd previously worked with the pair on their Showtime pilot Ronna & Beverly back in 2012. If you check out The Heat's DVD/Blu-ray special features you'll see much more of this dynamic duo. Outtakes reveal how hard Chaffin made it for her onscreen boyfriend (Joey McIntyre) to keep a straight face as she ran off one ridiculous impromptu line after another. Then, Chaffin and Denbo took their Boston girl shtick to the press junket, where they harassed and/or flirted with reporters for more special features.