Sunday, November 10, 2013

‘Batman vs. Superman’ Artwork Revealed at ‘Man of Steel’ Fan Event

Man of Steel is coming out on Blu-ray, and to commemorate that event – and further tease the upcoming sequel Batman vs. Superman - Warner Bros. hosted live event in New York, hosted by none other than Kevin Smith and featuring Man of Steel director Zack Snyder, Lois Lane actress Amy Adams, and Superman himself, Henry Cavill (via satellite)

While many of the topics discussed centered on things like making Man of Steel, the controversial plot details, inspiration in filmmaking, iconic characters (and annoying fans), there was inevitably some talk about what’s coming next in Batman vs. Superman. After days of rumors about everyone from Nightwing to Wonder Woman being in the film, Snyder and Co. had some big questions to answer, and revealed some big announcements about the titan team-up that’s coming in the sequel.