Tuesday, October 29, 2013

‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2′ to Be Scored by Hans Zimmer & Pharrell Williams

Much of the time, the musical scores of superhero films are as outsized as their subjects. One need only hear the opening bars of John Williams’ classic opening theme for Superman or the pounding drums of Hans Zimmer’s Batman Begins score to evoke Metropolis or Gotham City.

For all its good qualities, 2012′s The Amazing Spider-Man sported a fairly lackluster example of the usually bombastic superhero score. Perhaps this is why that film’s composer, John Horner, has been switched out in favor of the aforementioned Zimmer for its sequel, The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Intriguingly, it looks like Zimmer will actually receive help on the film’s music with an somewhat unusual source – veteran rapper, producer, and composer Pharrell Williams.