Monday, July 1, 2013

Fire in the Night: Edinburgh Review

Anthony Wonke's British documentary on the 1988 Piper Alpha oil-rig disaster in the North Sea won the Scottish festival's Audience Award.

A soberly moving account of 1988's 'Piper Alpha' North Sea oil-rig catastrophe that claimed 167 lives, Fire in the Night has the makings of a career breakthrough for veteran documentarian Anthony Wonke. A notable critical and popular success when world-premiering at Edinburgh, it scooped the festival's revived Audience Award just as it was appearing on a small handful of UK screens.
Partly-funded by BBC Scotland, it could obtain further domestic cinema showings in conjunction after television airings on the disaster's anniversary, July 6. Overseas, this straightforward but sensitive account of a man-made nightmare will be of interest to festivals majoring in non-fiction fare, especially in the wake of 2010's well-chronicled Deepwater Horizon horrors in the Gulf of Mexico.
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