Monday, July 1, 2013

Darren Aronofsky's Noah Reveals Emma Watson In Dreadlocks

Director Darren Aronofsky is known for making movies with characters whose difficult situations end up warping viewers’ emotions. (I have a hard time believing he’ll ever create anything that comes close to rattling the nerves quite as jaggedly as Ellen Burstyn’s arc in Requiem for a Dream.) Until now, he hasn't been a filmmaker synonymous with secretive productions or tentpole event films. Yet Aronofsky’s Noah, which has a budget somewhere over $130 million, has a plotline that has largely been kept under wraps, which means we’ve gotten very few peeks into the film’s creative process. (This ark skeleton gives a sense of the film's massive scope but not much else.)

Luckily, the Spanish website Fotogramas recently posted not just one new image from the film, but six character stills (Paramount has told us these aren't official, but they look pretty strong to us, so... use your judgment). And I don’t know if the impending disaster or whatever is killing everybody’s moods, but they need not worry about the flood taking their lives, because they’re all already drowning in moroseness. I like the aesthetic of the makeshift burlap clothing though, and how “dirty” everyone seems to look without anyone in this good-looking cast actually having any dirt covering their flawless features.