Monday, January 27, 2014

Kevin Smith And SModCo Are Now Making A Holiday Horror Anthology

The farther he gets from his indie roots, the closer Kevin Smith seems to be inching back towards that filmmaking methodology, only without the worry of having to max out credit cards to bring the projects to light. Since announcing at the end of 2012 that Clerks III was going to be his last film, Smith has almost completed a feature that wasn’t even fully conceived of at the time, with another more bizarre project lined up after that. Add another off-center concept to that pile, as Smith announced he recently finished teaming up with comedy writer and podcaster Andy McElfresh in co-writing a Christmas horror anthology called Comes the Krampus! which will be directed by several members of the SModCo crew.

Instead of using Santa Claus as their jumping off point, they decided to use the "Scandinavian/German Kid-Eating Christmas creature known as The Krampus," which Smith himself announced on his blog Silent Bob Speaks. The brainstorming session that spawned the idea occurred during the Christmas episode of McElfresh’s Edumacation podcast (which you can listen to here), and Smith is calling it their version of George A. Romero and Stephen King’s Creepshow.