Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ben Affleck on the Difference Between His Batman & Christian Bale’s

Batman vs. Superman won’t hit theaters for another year-and-a-half – which means we likely won’t be seeing any official footage or imagery for at least another year – and yet news and rumors pertaining to the film seem like a daily occurrence. Before Thanksgiving, Warner Bros. registered potential titles for the film; yesterday, Man of Steel star Henry Cavill talked about Ben Affleck being cast as Batman; and earlier today, Affleck himself discussed his excitement for the project.

Now, in a separate interview, Affleck has talked even more extensively about being cast as Batman, arguably the most popular and recognizable superhero the world over. Why did he decide to take the role, knowing full well that the response from fans might be cruel? What differentiates his Batman from that of Christian Bale’s in The Dark Knight trilogy? Which regrettable movie is he trying to make up for by taking part in Batman vs. Superman? Read on to find out.