Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Brad Pitt Says '12 Years A Slave' Cuts "To The Base Of Our Humanity," Plus New Photos & Soundtrack Info

No matter how acclaimed or laden with stars, getting audiences to shell out cash and sit down for a two-hour plus movie depicting slavery in agonizingly brutal detail isn't an easy task. Enter: Brad Pitt.

The handsome, charmer worked his magic on the "Today" show this morning with host Ann Curry, for "12 Years A Slave." Not only is he an actor amongst the ensemble, but he's also a producer on the picture, and he says he approached the whole endeavor as a film fan first. "I'm a moviegoer," he said. "That was a place that was a big escape for me, to open my eyes up to the world when I was a little, little kid. I loved going to see films. So I think of it from that side of it, and I know the impact of this film."