Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Superman Takes To The Skies In New Man Of Steel Banner

Not only has the blockbuster season started, the superhero summer has also already arrived. With Iron Man 3 in theaters we're still looking forward to The Wolverine and Kick-Ass 2, but first we have what is easily one of the most anticipated movies of the season: Zack Snyder's Man of Steel. The marketing campaign has been going into full force recently, and the last few days alone have revealed two new TV spots and a poster. And now, for your viewing pleasure, we bring you this new banner, courtesy of the film's official Facebook page. Click on the above image to see it full size.

It's a fairly simple poster, and with that giant lens flair in the middle it almost looks like a product of J.J. Abrams instead of Snyder. Still, it does elegantly show off two of Superman's powers: his ability to fly and his super speed.